Guest Speaker—Lorraine Greenwood Save Our Koalas

Lorraine told us about Scabies found in Koalas and showed some graphic photos of how it appears and af-fects them. She has been working with the Dutch Thunder Wildlife Shelter at Koonoomoo in Victoria and saw the need to get a research project into the disease underway.

They need a minimum of $30,000 to get started and are well on their way, but still have to find someone interested in doing the research. Lorraine now makes stuffed koalas and sells them as a fundraiser and she had some with her tonight.

Rotary has a 7th Area of Focus which is Supporting the Environment and grants are available for district projects the priorities being habitat restoration or creation and a Koala management strategy.

Lorraine’s presentation raised a lot of interest and questions.

Want your own Koala—you can reach Lorraine here

3 Minuter—Tony Jacobs.
Tony reminded us of the Blue Dragon Charity he supports in Vietnam where it looks after street kids and women who are being trafficked in Hanoi. He read a story of Noc, a street kid and how he was found by a social worker sent by Blue Dragon who helped him to get home, kept him safe from exploitation and kept in touch to ensure he received further education and training.
Meeting Notes 
President Carol advised the members that the Board had approved $5000 to be paid from our bushfire relief fund to Albury club who have been arranging for bushfire victims to have two days R&R and needed help. Gary Fitzgerald had brought the request to the Board.
Also, Helen Haines will be our speaker on 10th June.
Secretary Ian read a letter from Frank Hargrave who congratulated Rotary on Cycle Dindi and in particular, Julie and Glenda. He particularly enjoyed morning tea at Nutfield and sent a big thank you to John and Clare for their hospitality. Frank made a donation of $1000 to Cycle Dindi.
Carol reported that we had a request from Yea Primary School for chess board pieces and funding has been supported by the Board to the value of $500.
Carol introduced Charles as the Chairman for the night.
Anzac Day Service
Terry Hubbard gave a run down on the arrangements and helpers required for Anzac Day. The service will start at 11.00 am at the Cenotaph.
Julie Lynch—Report on Cycle Dindi
Final total registrants 149 plus 55 visitors who paid for morning tea and lunch.
Finances are yet to be finalised
Goals set in 2016 were to increase patronage of the Great Victorian Rail Trail and raise funds for youth projects. Both were certainly achieved this year.
Julie thanked everyone involved and read out some letters received complimenting the committee and Rotary on the event.
Glenda then thanked Julie as the Chair of the organising committee for all the work she had done.
Tracey has reached the end of the Nullarbor AND
broken her target
Funds raised to date are: $24,454
The Catering Crew from the Golf Club