Guest Speaker: Terry Hubbard.
Terry spoke about the current state of Landcare, how it is funded, and by which departments. A volunteer delivers $6.00 of work for every $1.00 funded. Terry spoke of some young and inspiring intrepid groups, who are driving, and leading Landcare groups, connecting with, and inspiring youth with Landcare. Annette Cavanagh looks to be travelling along the same path, and it is hopeful to see our local youth involved in programs, such as Kids Teaching Kids, where youth teach and inspire others about local plants, animals and the environment.
3 Minuter: Glenda Woods. 

Glenda gave members an insight in to the recently attended Multi-District Conference held in Melbourne. She spoke of inspiring speakers and entertainment
with $2,000.00 being donated to the End Trachoma Program instead of giving out gifts. The theme of the night was ‘Together we inspire, connect and Transform’. Seven people from our club attended and 6 from Alex. Glenda thoroughly enjoyed the conference and recommended it. Some of the entertainment included Circus Oz, choirs, tenors and singer, Marina Prior.
The Lord Mayor of Melbourne also talked about strategies to assist and improve the dilemma of homeless people of Melbourne.

Catering team Flowerdale Primary School