Bursary Presentations.
President Tony welcomed guests from Yea PS, Yea HS and Sacred Heart PS and outbound Youth Exchange student Nakaiah and her mother Cheyenne.
Bursary presentations were conducted by Youth Chair Sue Carpenter:
Sacred Heart PS.
Acting Principal Ann Danielli thanked Rotary for their ongoing support of young people in Yea and stressed the importance of community connections.
Bursary recipient Isobel Martin was commended by Ann for her conscientious attitude and helpful nature. In response Isobel thanked the Club.
Yea PS.
Principal Craig Irvine introduced recipient Lacie Luckman- Harrod, noting that she is al-ways respectful, responsible, and resilient. She always tries her best, especially when facing challenges.
Yea PS is very proud of Lacie and wishes her well at Yea HS in 2023.
Lacey thanked her parents, her teachers, and Rotary.
Yea HS.
Principal Brian D’Arcy noted that Rotary is an integral part of a fantastic community which provides great support to all district schools.
Recipient of the bursary, Abigail Devire was most deserving of the bursary which will con-tribute to the success of her upcoming VCE studies.
Abigail thanked Rotary saying that the award would greatly help with her studies.
Chair Tippy, welcomed exchange student Nakaiah to the lectern. Nakaiah will depart for Hornbaek, a coastal town in northern Den-mark on January 21st. She is very much looking forward to experiencing travel opportunities, a new culture, but not so much the weather! Nakaiah thanked the club for giving her the opportunity to experience something amazing.
Kim Slavin (President Yea HS School Council) also took the opportunity to thank the club for all they do in the community, especially with youth programs.
Directors’ Reports:
Terry Hubbard: Senior Citizens’ Dinner – December 9th. The roster will be emailed out to members.
Marj: Art Show. The raffle roster has been circulated by email. Please advise Penny if you can fill a spot.
Christmas Party: Homewood Hall Thursday 6.30pm for 7pm. BYO drinks, glass and a Kris Kringle (value $10)
Kristie Luckman: Christmas Carols in the Park. Flyer has been circulated to members.
Please promote the evening to family and friends. Kristie seeking a ‘Santa’ and a contact for Santa’s lollies. BBQ and drinks are all organized.
Yea Races Dec 17th: Gary Cocks liaising with Eoghan re member duties.
President Tony presented barman Michael Sheather with a thank you gift for his bar duties this year and the Club is looking forward to him resuming his usual spot behind the bar early in the New Year.
Abby Devir and Narelle Harris | Anne Danieli, Isobelle Martin and Sue Carpenter | Cheyenne and Kia |
Katie, Lacy and Kristie | Kim Slavin | Brian Darcy |