GUEST SPEAKER—David Whiting.

When asked how he understands some of the questions he receives, he told us that he was good at fractured English due to his upbringing among people of all nationalities and having been a Rotary Exchange Student in the Philippines.
Asked what was the most common question he was asked, David told us it was about death and estates.
It turns out that David only met Jon Faine in the December prior to January 2nd when they started on radio together.
There were lots more questions.
David Anderson gave the vote of thanks.
3 MINUTER - Penny Paxman
Gave a quick rundown on her trip to South Korea and the many things she had seen and learned over 12 days including being on the border of North and South Korea when North Korea launched its missile recently.
Gave a quick rundown on her trip to South Korea and the many things she had seen and learned over 12 days including being on the border of North and South Korea when North Korea launched its missile recently.
President Tony advised us that RYLA is going ahead on 24/11 and Cheyenne and Henry will be attending from this area.
Two people may need the club’s assistance. Beth Louise whose house burned down this week and Ellie Gay for whom the club provided disabled access after a severe accident is having trouble with her washing machine and dishwasher.
Ian has erected the Community Consultation Signs as required for the permit to erect roofs over tables and chairs in High Street.
Regular interviews on UGFM begin tomorrow at 3pm with Tony speaking this week.
Darryl Hunt will be inducted at the AGM next week.