Dayspring Project Completed
[Kim Katuta’s email of 1 June 2021]
I am HAPPY to report we are FINISHED building. The Rustenberg Kloof Rotary is working on the required signage and Saul and I have been finalising the account reports with invoices etc but otherwise we are done! I am working on a type of video or slide show of sorts as a thank you but it’s taking me a bit longer than expected.
We are still trying to put together a date for the hand over which we hope will happen very soon so we can actually start using the class toilets!
Hopefully by the end of the week I should have a 'final' picture/video/slideshow of sorts to send off to you. And then will keep you updated as to when the hand over, grand opening will take place. Thank you again for all you have done for us. I trust you will be able to come over and see for yourself soon!
As an update to Kim’s report from 1 June, the official opening took place on Monday afternoon (South African time) of the clean water and sanitation ablution block. The Global Grant is now at an end except for the final payments from The Rotary Foundation Global Grant fund we have been holding. A short 12 second video was shared with some members of the official, yet low key, opening. In her email Cheryl Phillips, a Past President of the Rotary Club of Rustenburg Kloof, said: “Over 5 years in the making, almost a year of con-struction. So may ups and downs” and acknowledged that it was sad that neither PPs Fran-cois (Pinnear) nor Ruth (Konig) were able to see the project through to its completion.
Cheryl is now a member of the National Assembly in South Africa and without her doggedness and that of Kim Katuta, then the Principal of Dayspring, this project could easily have fallen over.