President Ken and Julian Bruere
Our Art and Craft Show opened with a sizeable number of the crowd wearing something linked to the theme of ‘Think Swiss’. The opening night attendees had the opportunity to enjoy a drink and savouries, while being the first to purchase if they found something to their liking. Many did, as 10 paintings were sold, including Best in Show – ‘Junee’ by Gary Laird. A big plus to the artist as this prize earned him an extra $2500.
This year’s judge was Richard Watson. It was a pleasure to have Richard as this year’s judge and when announcing Best in
Show - Gary Laird’s “Junee”, Richard described it thus - “the subject and format are perfectly balanced”. A standout painting, “one that you come back to time and time again”. Anyone who attended the show would have to agree and this painting was quickly purchased, prior to being announced as Best in Show.

Winners of all the other categories are as follows: Second Best in Show – River Scene by Do Noble; Work on Paper – Red Berry Moon by Helen Miles; Yea Wetlands – Summer Colour by Marion Bruere; Traditional Work – Moorings by Freda Surgenor; Contemporary Work – Early Morning Kakadu – Stephen McCall; Minatures - Heading Home by Caroline Morrone; Local Work – Highlands from Old Killingworth Rd, Yea by Meg Heres; Emerging Artist – Still Standing by Ann Capling; Sculpture/3D – Old Rocker by Michael Taylor; Fabric and Textiles – Sandy Shaws by Sherrell Taylor; Frank Hargrave Selection – shared by Down York Street by Keith Blake and Spotted Pardalotes by Vida Pearson. Junior Winners: 7 Years and Under – Lamp Light in the Forest by Julian Grunchy; 8 years and Over – The Crowd by Emerson Bechez; Secondary and Tertiary Student – Salvage Value by Ruby Hubbard.

The Art/Craft Show is the result of a lot of dedicated work over many months by a hardworking committee led by Art Show Director Carol Hogg, ably supported this year by artist Julian Bruere. As well as committee members, during show w
eek, all 46 Rotarians are called upon to lend assistance in some way.

Sponsors play an enormous part in the overall success of the Show, especially Frank Hargrave for the many years of support he has provided to the club from the Frank Hargrave Family Trust. This support has ensured the continuing growth and development of the show, this year with just over 370 entries, the biggest show for a few years.
New this year was the addition of local craftswoman Delma Moore, renowned for her Brazilian embroidery. Delma set up in the Green Room and ran daily demonstrations of this style of embroidery and it was a popular addition to the show.
Attendances were steady over the course of the five days of the show, though understandably down on the Friday when temperatures soared to 44C! Thank goodness for the Shire Hall being air conditioned. Due to everyone’s generous support, the club has once again raised valuable funds to put toward both local and international projects. Thanks to everyone for their support and a big thank you to all the artists who are so willing to exhibit, as without those talented artists, where would we be?