School Bursary Presentations

Youth & Vocational Services Director, Lily Cox, together with mentor Sue Carpenter, welcomed our award winners and their parents/guardians to our meeting, and thanked the schools for supporting the bursary by nominating the worthy recipients! $500 is awarded to each school, to be used for school supplies and expenses.
Sacred Heart Primary School nominated Max Drew
as their bursary recipient. Max will be in Yr 3 2024
and is a student who has a great imagination. Max
was supported by his teacher, Stacey Elliot, who
thanked Rotary for their continued support for the
youth of Yea. Max’s proud parents, Claire and Keith,
also attended.
Max gave a very big thankyou to Rotary for his
Flowerdale Primary School. Principal Dave Jovanovski 
introduced Jarrah Patten as their award
winner. Jarrah has just completed Yr 6 and is off to
secondary school next year where the funds will
support uniform, text books and other expenses.
Jarrah is a student who constantly follows the
school values in his behaviour and manners and
always helpful and shows kindness to all other students.
Jarrah was supported by his father, Trent, and
proudly thanked Rotary for supporting the funds to
support his education.
Yea Primary School were unable to attend this evening due to their Yr 6 graduation ceremony, but have held an assembly this week at school, attended by Sue and Julie, where Tyson Garlick,
a grade 6 student, was awarded the bursary. This will greatly assist him as his journey continues onto secondary education.
Yea High School Year 9 Advisor/teacher Jessica Hill commented that the community plays an important part of the educational journey for students and we are thankful for the continued support of Yea Rotary Club to the students at Yea High School. This year 2 students in Year 9 were nominated to share the bursary, each receiving $250 towards school expenses. mother Patricia, and told us of the personal, academic and social growth Noah has made this year,
which included spending 9 weeks at a School Leadership camp which lead to an amazing journey in his personal growth. Second recipient was Bella Philpott, supported by her grandmother Helen Kellis, who has made significant choices to embrace opportunities to develop and ready herself to undertake senior school VCE subjects in Year 10 in 2024. Bella thanked Rotary for the award and commented that she was very proud to be given the opportunity to support her journey into senior school.Noah thanked Rotary for being in his life and appreciates the chance of this award which will support school expenses in Year 10.